It is an Analog and mixed signal and the Full Custom IC design tool ,
Revision 1.0 IC613 Assura 32 Incisive Unified Simulator 82
Cadence is an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) environment which allows different applications and tools to integrate into a single framework  thus  allowing to support all the stages of IC design and verification from a single environment. These
tools are completely general, supporting different fabrication technologies.


Operating System LINUX with minimum 4-GB RAM 


Objective of this lab is to learn the Virtuoso tool as well learn the flow of the Full Custom IC design cycle. You will finish the lab by running DRC, LVS and Parasitic Extraction on the various designs. In the process you will create various components like inverter, NAND or NOR gates Differential amplifier, operational amplifier, R-2R based DAC and Mixed signal design of SAR based ADC, but we won’t be designing every cell, as the time will not be sufficient, instead we will be using some ready made cells in the process.


You will start this lab by creating a library called “myDesignLib(Or any other you want )” and you will attach the library to a technology library for example “gpdk180”. Attaching a technology library will ensure that you can do front to back design. After this you will create a new cell called “Inverter or which circuit you want to design” with schematic view and hence build the Inverter schematic by instantiating various components. Once inverter schematic is done, symbol for “Inverter” is generated. Now you will create a new cell view called “Inverter_Test”, where you will instantiate “Inverter” symbol. This circuit is verified by doing various simulations using spectre. In the process, you will learn to use spectre, waveform window options, waveform calculator, etc... You will learn the Layout Editor basics by concentrating on designing an “Inverter” through automatic layout generation . Then you will go ahead with completing the other layouts. After that, you will run DRC, LVS checks on the layout, Extract parasitics and back-annotate them to the simulation environment.

How to Start  

 The software will be install in the root plate form 
Open Terminal

  Type "cd cadence"  (press Enter)

          "csh"  (press Enter)
          "source cshrc" (press Enter)
After pressing enter a message "welcome to  cadence tools" will be display
         "cd Database"  (press Enter)
        "cd cadence" (and press tab)  cd cadence _analog_Labs_613 will display then press Enter and at last type
         "virtuoso" (press Enter)

this is also shown by figure below

When you press enter after  command "virtuoso"  A CDS. log window ( it also called Main window ) will open as given below

Example INVERTER:Now we take an example of Inverter for more knowledge about this tool
here new Library name is "Usmani" and new Cell name is "Inverter"

Building Blocks of an Inverter:

  1) Create own Library and Cell 

  2) Schematic Entry .
  3) Symbol Creation
  4) Building the Inverter_Test Design
  5) Analog Simulation with Spectre
  6) Parametric Analysis
  7) Creating Layout View of Inverter
  8) Physical Verification 
  9) Creating the Configuration View
  10) Generating Stream Data

1) Create own Library and Cell

In the CDS.log window or Main window goto "File >New >Library" as show given figure

When you click on Library a new window will open for creating new Library name, I already mentioned you, new library name is "Usmani"  so you will write "Usmani" in the Library name column, and this library will attach to an existing technology library   also shown by figure 


after creating new library name "Usmani" and it attached by existing library click on "OK"  a new window will open like below, here you will choose any one existing technology library  suppose here we choose "gpdk180" then click "OK"

After clicking on "OK", in the CDS.log window or Main window a new message "Successfully attached to an existing technology library  gpdk180 " will display

Now you have to create new "Cellview" , so go to the CDS.log window or Main window and then go to the File>New>Cellvie, such as  

a new window will open set it as 
library .............Usmani 
Cell ..................Inverter"
View ................Schematic 
Open with........Schematic L 
this is also shown by below figure

when you will click "Ok" a new blank black window will open such as

Note: its Optional 
You can also check your library name and cellview in the library list in the CDS.log window or Main window go to the "Tools" and click on "Library Manager" a new window will open

Here you can check your "Library" name and "Cell" name 

An Inverter Schematic Capture

This is an Inverter schematic diagram now we have to create similarly an Inveter by cadence Virtuoso tool in a black blank window


Adding component fixed menu icon

Note: Use of any kind of power source like Voltage source or Current source 
are not allowed  in Schematic and Layout operation you can use only pin in place of that, 
but in Test operation you can use directly this sources.    

Adding Components to schematic   

1. In the Black blank Inverter schematic window, click the Instance fixed menu icon  
 to display the Add Instance form.   

Tip: You can also execute Create > Instance or press i. a new window is pop up

2. Click on the Browse button, This opens up a Library browser from which you can select components and the symbol view .
In this window there are three category column I) Library II) Cell and III) View now you have to choose gpdk180 in the Library column, pmos in Cell column and symbol in View column and this is also shown by figure below

as clicking on symbol a new window will open, as below 

now you will update the parameters in this new window as given in the table 

Library name   Cell Name      Parameters
gpdk180              pmos         For M0: Model name = pmos1, Total Width= wp,   Length=180n

(Note: Please change the value of width "wp" in place of 2u  and Finger width automatically will change, only in PMOS case not NMOS)

gpdk180              nmos         For NM0: Model name =nmos1, total width= 2u,   Length =180n

3) Process 1 and 2 will do as it is for nmos selection and its parameters are already given above in the table

I) If you want to edit component parameter values,  firstly select the that component by just click the cursor on that component and then go to the Edit > Properties > Objects or just press "Q". a edit object properties window will open, now edit the component parameters and then click on "apply" and then "OK

                                           fixed menu Icon for  correction                                             
II) Use the Edit >  Move command or just click on first symbol from above icon  if you move the  components in some other location. but firstly select the that object which component you want to move
III) You can also rotate components at the time you place them, by just press "r" (for component rotation ) and "ctrl+ r" (for arrow rotation) or use the Edit— Rotate command after they are placed.

4. After entering components, press "Esc" with your cursor in the schematic window.

Adding pins to Schematic

1. Click the Pin fixed menu icon in the schematic window. You can also execute Create > Pin or press "p".the Add pin form appears. as given below

2. Type the following in the Add pin form in the exact order leaving space
between the pin names.

   Pin Names                  Direction
    vin                                Input
    vout                             Output
Make sure that the direction field is set to input/output/inputOutput when placing the input/output/inout pins respectively and the Usage field is set to schematic.
3. Select "Hide" from the Add – pin form after entering the  the pin name.
 and the use "Esc" in the schematic window after placing it in right place,

Adding wire to Schematic 

1. Click the Wire (narrow) icon in the schematic window.
You can also press the "w" key, or execute Create > Wire (narrow).
2. In the schematic window, click on a pin of one of your components as the first point for your wiring. A diamond shape appears over the starting point of this wire.
3. Follow the prompts at the bottom of the design window and click left o n the destination point for your wire. A wire is routed between the source and destination points.
4. Complete the wiring as shown in figure and when done wiring press "ESC" key in the schematic window to cancel wiring.
if you want to delete wrong wire connection  so firstly select the that wire and  use "Delete fixed icon" which is 4th symbol from above icon or go to the "Edit > Delete" 

Saving the Design 
1. Click the Check and Save icon      in the schematic editor window.
2. Observe the CIW output area for any errors.

3) Symbol Creation

In this section, you will create a symbol for your inverter design so you can place it in a test circuit for simulation. A symbol view is extremely important step in the design process. The symbol view must exist for the schematic to be used in a hierarchy. In addition, the symbol has attached properties(cdsParam) that facilitate the simulation and the design of the circuit.

1. In the Inverter schematic window, execute
 Create > Cellview > From Cellview.

The Cellview From Cellview form appears. With the Edit Options
function active, you can control the appearance of the symbol to

2. Verify that the From View Name field is set to schematic, and the Tool View Name field is set to symbol, with the Tool/Data Type set
as SchematicSymbol.

3. Click OK in the Cellview From . The Symbol Generation Form will appears as given below

4. Modify the Pin Specifications: You should arrange the Pin name as follows

5. Click OK in the Symbol Generation Options form.
6. A new window displays an automatically created Inverter symbol as shown here.

Editing a Symbol

Note: From point 2 to 6 are Optional
In this section we will modify the inverter symbol to look like a Inverter gate symbol.

1.Click Delete icon in the symbol window and Delete the red rectangular box and goto "Create > Selection Box"  a new window "Add Selection Box" will pop-up 

and then click on "Automatic"  again a red rectangular box will appear 
2.  Similarly Delete the green rectangular box
3.  Execute "Create > Shape > Circle" to make a circle at the end of triangle.
4. After creating the triangle press ESC key.
5. Execute "Create > Shape > polygon", and draw a shape similar to triangle
6. You can move the pin names according to the location.
7. After creating symbol, click on the save icon in the symbol editor window to save the symbol. In the symbol editor, execute "File > Close" to close the symbol view window.

4) Building the Inverter_Test Design  

Open new Inverter_Test window

1. In the CIW or Library Manager, execute" File > New > Cellview "
2. Set up Usmani in Library column and Inverter_Test in Cell column the New File form as follows 

3. Click "OK" when done. A blank schematic window for the Inverter_Test design appears.

Building the Inverter_Test Circuit

1.Click "Adding fixed menu Icon > browse "  a Library manager will open now choose library name, cell name and Properties as given below in the table  and build the build the Inverter_Test schematic.

Library name
Cellview name

v1=0, v2=1.8,td=0 tr=tf=1ns, ton=10n, T=20n
vdc, gnd

Note: Remember to set the values for VDD and VSS. Otherwise, your circuit will have no power.
2. Add the above components using "Create > Instance" or by pressing "I". or  click on this icon
3. Click the " Wire (narrow)" icon and wire your schematic.     
 Tip: You can also press the w key, or execute" Create > Wire (narrow)."
4.  Click "Create  > Wire Name" or press "L" to name the input (Vin) and output (Vout) wires as in the below schematic. 
5. Click on the "Check and Save" icon to save the design.  
6. The schematic should look like this.

7. Leave your Inverter_Test schematic window open for the next section.

5)  Analog Simulation with Spectre

Objective: To set up and run simulations on the Inverter_Test design

In this section, we will run the simulation for Inverter and plot the transient, DC characteristics and we will do Parametric Analysis after the initial simulation.

Starting the Simulation Environment

Start the Simulation Environment to run a simulation.

1. In the Inverter_Test schematic window, execute  "Launch  > ADE L"
The Virtuoso Analog Design Environment (ADE) simulation window appears given below

Setting Design Variables

Set the values of Total Width of PMOS  in the circuit before simulating. Otherwise, the simulation will not run.
1. In the Simulation window,go to Variables > Edit .           
The Editing Design Variables form appears as given below.
2. Click "Copy From" at the bottom of the form.
The design is scanned and all variables found in the design are listed.
In a few moments, the wp variable appears in the Table of Design variables section as given below

3. Set the value of the "wp" variable by Click on "wp" (which is right hand side of the window) 
and enter the following:
Click on  "Change" and notice the update in the Table of Design Variables as given below

3. Click "OK" or Cancel in the Editing Design Variables window.

Choosing a Simulator

Set the environment to use the Spectre® tool, a high speed, highly accurate
analog simulator. Use this simulator with the Inverter_Test design, which is made-up of analog components.

1. In the simulation window (ADE), execute
"Setup >  Simulator/Directory/Host".
2. In the Choosing Simulator form, set the Simulator field to spectre (Not spectreS) & click "OK"

Setting the Model Libraries

The Model Library file contains the model files that describe the nmos and pmos devices
during simulation.

1.  In the simulation window (ADE),
Execute Setup  > Model Libraries.

The Model Library Setup form appears. Click the browse button to add gpdk.scs if not added by default as shown in the Model Library Setup form.
Remember to select the section type as stat in front of the gpdk.scs file.
Your Model Library Setup window should now looks like the below figure.

To view the model file, highlight the expression in the Model Library File field and Click Edit File.         
2. To complete the Model Library Setup, move the cursor and click "OK".

The Model Library Setup allows you to include multiple model files.
It also allows you to use the Edit button to view the model file.

Choosing Analyses

This section demonstrates how to view and select the different types of analyses to complete the circuit when running the simulation.
1. In the Simulation window (ADE L), click the Choose > Analyses icon.   
You can also execute Analyses > Choose.                       
The Choosing Analysis form appears. This is a dynamic form, the bottom of the form
changes based on the selection above.

2. To setup for transient analysis
          a. In the Analysis section select "tran"
          b. Set the stop time as 200n
          c. Click at the moderate or Enabled button at the bottom, and then click "Apply".

3. To set up for DC Analyses:
          a. In the Analyses section, select "dc".
          b. In the DC Analyses section, turn on Save DC Operating Point.
          c. Turn on the Component Parameter.
          d. Double click the Select Component, after double click cursor will goes to Test schematic       
          e. Click input signal vpulse source in the test schematic window. 
               a new window will popup 
          f. Click “DC Voltage” in the Select Component Parameter form and click OK.
          f. In the analysis form type start and stop voltages as 0 to 1.8 respectively.
          g. Check the enable button and then click Apply.

4. Click "OK" in the Choosing Analyses Form.

Selecting Outputs for Plotting

1. Execute "Outputs  > To be plotted > Select on Schematic" in the simulation window.
2. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output
net Vout, input net Vin of the Inverter. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after selecting it.
Does the simulation window look like this?

Running the Simulation
1. Execute Simulation > Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the  
Simulation or the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.

2. When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC plots automatically will be popped up along with log file.


Saving the Simulator State

We can save the simulator state, which stores information such as model library file,
outputs, analysis, variable etc. This information restores the simulation environment
without having to type in all of setting again.

1. In the Simulation window, execute Session  > Save State.
The Saving State form appears.

2. Set the Save as field to state1_inv and make sure all options are selected under
what to save field.
3. Click "OK" in the saving state form. The Simulator state is saved.

Loading the Simulator State

1. From the ADE window execute Session > Load State.
2. In the Loading State window, set the State name to state1_inv as shown

3. Click "OK" in the Loading State window.

    6) Parametric Analysis  

Parametric Analysis yields information similar to that provided by the
Spectre® sweep feature, except the data is for a full range of sweeps for each
parametric step. The Spectre sweep feature provides sweep data at only one
specified condition.

You will run a parametric DC analysis on the wp variable, of the PMOS device of the Inverter design by sweeping the value of wp.

Run a simulation before starting the parametric tool. You will start by loading the state from the previous simulation run.

Run the simulation and check for errors. When the simulation ends, a single waveform in the waveform window displays the DC Response at the Vout node.

Starting the Parametric Analysis Tool

1. In the Simulation window, execute Tools > Parametric Analysis.
The Parametric Analysis form appears. 

2. Double click on "Add variable" and select "wp". 
3. Change the Range Type and Step Control fields in the Parametric
Analysis form as shown below:

Variable  Range Type    From    To    Step mode  Total Steps  
   wp          From/To      1u      10u         Auto           10  

These numbers vary the value of the wp of the pmos between 1um and 10um at ten evenly spaced intervals.

5. Execute Analysis > Start.

The Parametric Analysis window displays the number of runs remaining in the analysis and the current value of the swept variable(s). Look in the upper right corner of the window. Once the runs are completed the wavescan window comes up with the plots for different runs.

Note: Change the wp value of pmos device back to 2u and save the schematic before proceeding to the next section of the lab. To do this use edit property option.  


7) Creating Layout View of Inverter

   Layout View

Note: Goto the Schematic window of the Inverter and change the value of the "Total Width" of PMOS from "wp" to any constant value, for example 2u  

From the Inverter schematic window menu execute
"Launch – Layout XL". A Startup Option form appears.
Select "Create New" option. This gives a New Cell View Form

 Check the Cellname (Inverter),  Viewname (layout). as given below

 Click "OK" from the New Cellview form.
 LSW and a blank layout window appear along with schematic window. 
Execute " Connectivity > Generate > All from Source" in the new 
blank black window, Generate Layout form appears. Click "OK"  
 which imports the schematic components into the Layout window 
 automatically. and here in this case one PMOS  one NMOS ,four
 small  rectangle  one for Vdd terminal, one for Vss, one for input and 
one for output will appear 

Q ) How you know about each small rectangle ?
Ans) Firstly put the cursor on any box and click on "Q

Execute "Connectivity>Nets>Show/Hide selected IncompleteNets"   
Execute " Connectivity > Generate >Place As In Schematic"  
warning window popup click "Yes" then automatically MOS are 
shifted in rectangular boundary 
Use "Edit and Adding componet fixed menu icon"  for putting the each 
component as given layout

Creating Contacts/Vias 

Note 1: You will use the contacts or vias to make connections between two different layers 
Execute "Create > Via" or select    command to place different 
Contacts, as given in below table
 Connection                                    Contact Type
For Metal1- Poly                              Metal1-Poly
For Metal1- Psubstrate                    Metal1-Psub
For Metal1- Nwell                            Metal1-Nwell

 Note 2: PMOS always enclose with n-well rectangle  
Step 1: PMOS enclose with n-well
Goto LSW Window and select Nwell and then  goto Create > Shape >Rectangle and draw a rectangle(only PMOS enclose in it)
Step 2: Goto Create > Via  a new window will pop-up and select M1_NWELL a rectagular box will appear and put this box in rectagular NWell box and above the PMOS
Step 3: Put Vdd pin (See only after 4 to 5 times zooming window) on or left or   right side of the M1_NWELL box
Step 4: Goto LSW window and select Metal1 and press P or goto Create> Shape > Path  and create the connection  as shown in given figure

                                Layout view in part wise 1 of 3

: Connection of Input
            1) Goto LSW window and click on Poly and press p, and  
             connect the NMOS gate by PMOS gate through these poly
            2) Goto Create>Via > M1_Poly,  a small box will appear, put 
             this box inbetween of this MOS and put the Input terminal 
             on M1_poly box
           3) and make the connection in between connection line of 
             these two MOS and input terminal through poly line, this 
             is also shown by figure below

  Layout view in part wise 2 of 3

Note 3: Connection of Vss 
            1)Goto Create>Via > M1_ psub, a box will appear put this box  
            below the NMOS and also put Vss terminal on this box 
            2) Goto LSW window and click on Mettle 1 and press p and 
            make the connection as given below

 Layout view in part wise 3 of 3                            

Saving the design
Save your design by selecting "File > Save" 

8) Physical Verification  


(Assura DRC)

Running a DRC

1. Open the Inverter layout form the CIW or 
library manger if you have closed that. Press 
 "shift > f" in the layout window to display all the levels.

2. Select "Assura > Run DRC " from layout window.
The DRC form appears. The Library and Cellname 
are taken from the current design window, but 
rule file may be missing. Select the Technology 
as gpdk180. This automatically loads the rule file.
Your DRC form should appear like this

3. Click "OK" to start DRC.
4. A Progress form will appears. You can click on the watch log file to see the log file.
5. When DRC finishes, a dialog box appears asking you if you want to view your DRC results, and then click "Yes" to view the results of this run.
6. If there any DRC error exists in the design View Layer Window (VLW) and Error Layer Window (ELW) appears. Also the errors highlight in the design itself.
7. Click View > Summary in the ELW to find the details of errors.
8. You can refer to rule file also for more information, correct all the DRC errors and "Re > run" the DRC.
9. If there are no errors in the layout then a dialog box appears with No DRC errors found written in it, click on "close" to terminate the DRC run.

In this section we will perform the LVS check that will compare the schematic netlist and
the layout netlist.

Running LVS

1. Select "Assura – Run LVS" from the layout window.
The Assura Run LVS form appears. It will automatically load both the schematic and layout view of the cell.
2. Change the following in the form and click "OK".

3. The LVS begins and a Progress form appears.                     
4. If the schematic and layout matches completely, you will get the form displaying Schematic and Layout Match.     
5. If the schematic and layout do not matches, a form informs that the LVS completed successfully and asks if you want to see the results of this run.
6. Click "Yes" in the form.
LVS debug form appears, and you are directed into LVS debug environment.
7. In the LVS debug form you can find the details of mismatches and you need to correct all those mismatches and Re > run the LVS till you will be able to match the schematic with layout.

Assura RCX

In this section we will extract the RC values from the layout and perform analog circuit simulation on the designs extracted with RCX.

Before using RCX to extract parasitic devices for simulation, the layout should
match with schematic completely to ensure that all parasites will be back an noted to the correct schematic nets.

Running RCX

1. From the layout window execute "Assura > Run RCX".
2. Change the following in the Assura parasitic extraction form. Select output type under Setup tab of the form.
3. In the Extraction tab of the form, choose Extraction type, Cap Coupling Mode and specify the Reference node for extraction.

4. In the Filtering tab of the form, Enter Power Nets as vdd!, vss! and Enter Ground Nets as gnd!
5.  Click "OK" in the Assura parasitic extraction form when done.

The RCX progress form appears, in the progress form click Watch log file to see the output log file.

5. When RCX completes, a dialog box appears, informs you that Assura RCX run Completed successfully.

Now minimized the all window and except CDS.log or main window
 go to " File > Open , a new window will popup, now set av_extracted in the view column  such as 

Starting the Simulation Environment

Now minimize the all window and open CDS.log or main window and
goto " File > open " a new window will open , now set this window 
as Library name as Usmani, cell name as Inverter , view as av_extracted and Type as layout                                                                       
a inverter av_extracted black window will open goto "Launch > ADE L"  a observation table will open  goto " setup > stimuli..." a new window will popup here we will enter parameters of inputs as below

Selected Input       Enable              Function                 Type
       Vin                just click              Pulse                  Voltage

a new parameter window will pop up, now fill the value as given previous in the  table of Test schematic operation and click on "apply" similarly you will fill the value of Vdd=1.8v and Vss =0v  and click "Ok" 
now goto Observation table

Choosing Analysis

execute "Analyses > Choose".                       
The Choosing Analysis form appears. This is a dynamic form, the bottom of the form
changes based on the selection above.
Here we only perform Transient Analysis

To setup for transient analysis
          a. In the Analysis section select "tran"
          b. Set the stop time as 200n
          c. Click at the moderate or Enabled button at the bottom, and then click "Apply".

Selecting Outputs for Plotting

1. Execute "Outputs  > To be plotted – Select on Schematic" in the simulation window.
2. Follow the prompt at the bottom of the schematic window, Click on output
net Vout, input net Vin of the Inverter. Press ESC with the cursor in the schematic after selecting it.

Running the Simulation
1. Execute Simulation > Netlist and Run in the simulation window to start the  
Simulation or the icon, this will create the netlist as well as run the simulation.
2. When simulation finishes, the Transient, DC plots automatically will be popped up along with log file.

 9) Creating the Configuration view

In this section we will create a config view and with this config view we will run the simulation with and without parasitic.

1. In the CIW or Library Manager, execute "File > New > Cellview"
2. In the Create New file form, set the following:
Usmani in Library, Inverter_Test in Cell column and Config in view column

3. Click "OK"
The Hierarchy Editor form opens and a New Configuration form opens in front of it.


4. Click "Use template" at the bottom of the New Configuration form and
The Global Bindings lists are loaded from the template.

select Spectre in the cyclic field and click "OK".
a new window will popup

5. Change the Top Cell View to schematic and delete the default entry from the Library List field.
6. Click "OK" in the New Configuration form.
The hierarchy editor window will open and it displays the hierarchy for this design using table format.

7. Click the Tree View tab. The design hierarchy changes to tree format. The form should look like this:

8. Save the current configuration.            

9. Close the Hierarchy Editor window. Execute "File > Close Window".

To run the Circuit without Parasites

1. From the Library Manager open Inverter_Test Config view.
Open Configuration or Top cellview form appears.


2. In the form, turn on the both cyclic buttons to "Yes" and click "OK".
The Inverter_Test schematic and Inverter_Test config window appears. Notice the
windowbanner of schematic also states Config: Usmani Inverter_Test config.
3. Execute "Launch > ADE L" from the schematic window.
4. Now you need to follow the same procedure for running the simulation. Executing in the ADE L Window go to "Session > Load state", the Analog Design Environment window loads the previous state.
5. Click "Netlist and Run" icon to start the simulation.  
The simulation takes a few seconds and then waveform window appears.
6. In the CIW, note the netlisting statistics in the Circuit inventory section. This list includes all nets, designed devices, source and loads. There are no
parasitic components. Also note down the circuit inventory section.

Measuring the Propagation Delay
1. In the waveform window execute Tools > Calculator.                      
The calculator window appears.

2. From the "special functions" select delay, this will open the delay data panel.
3. Place the cursor in the text box for Signal1, select the wave button and select the input waveform from the waveform window.
4. Repeat the same for Signal2, and select the output waveform.
5. Set the Threshold value 1 and Threshold value 2 to 0.9, this directs the
calculator to calculate delay at 50% i.e. at 0.9 volts.
6. Execute "OK" and observe the expression created in the calculator buffer.
7. Click on "Evaluate the buffer icon" to perform the calculation, note down the value returned after execution.

8. Close the calculator window.

To run the Circuit with Parasites

In this exercise, we will change the configuration to direct simulation of the av_extracted view which contains the parasites.

1. Open the same Hierarchy Editor form, which is already set for Inverter_Test config.

2. Select the Tree View icon: this will show the design hierarchy in the tree format.

3. Click right mouse on the Inverter schematic.
A pull down menu appears. Select av_extracted view from the Set Instance view menu, the View to use column now shows av_extracted view.


4. Click on the Recompute the hierarchy icon,  the configuration is now updated from schematic to av_extracted view.
6. From the Analog Design Environment window click Netlist and Run to    
start the simulation again.

7. When simulation completes, note the Circuit inventory conditions, this time the list shows all nets, designed devices, sources and parasitic devices as well.

8. Calculate the delay again and match with the previous one. Now you can conclude how much delay is introduced by these parasites, now our main aim should to minimize the delay due to these parasites so number of iteration takes place for making an optimize layout.

10) Generating Stream Data

Streaming Out the Design

1. Select "File > Export > Stream" from the CIW menu and Virtuoso Xstream out form appears change the following in the form.

2. Click on the "Options" button.

3. In the StreamOut-Options form select  under Layers tab and click" OK".
4. In the Virtuoso XStream Out form, click Translate button to start the stream translator.
5.  The stream file Inverter.gds is stored in the specified location.

Streaming In the Design

1. Select File – Import – Stream from the CIW menu and change the following
in the form.

You need to specify the file. This is the entire technology file that
has been dumped from the design library.

2. Click on the Options button.
3. In the StreamOut-Options form select  under Layers tab and click "OK".

4. In the Virtuoso XStream Out form, click Translate button to start the stream translator.
5. From the Library Manager open the Inverter cellview from the GDS_LIB
library and notice the design.
6. Close all the windows except CIW window, which is needed for the next lab


  1. hey zoha usmani
    iam presently pursuing my btech degree from vardhaman college of engineering.. can u please send me list of project details at btech level in cadence virtuoso would be very helpful for me.. please kindly mail me the project details or list of projects at

  2. Awesome Informative post brother............helped alot for me am very grateful!!!!

  3. Merci pour la présentation, peut on réaliser un inverseur NMOS chargé par un depletion mos connecté à VGS=0 en utilisant les composants de la librairie gpdk180 v3-3.
